My Journey

I know there are many talented artists out there who can create an entire finished piece of art in one day, maybe even in an hour. What a blessing! With my lovely challenges, even the smallest piece may take me a month. My largest pieces often take me upwards of a year. This is partially because, after I get the background color painted, it’s easier for me to paint with smaller brushes that I can easily hold and control (this forces me to focus on painting in layers and tiny detail). A much bigger reason is the constant pain in my right shoulder joint and the tendency of my neck and shoulder muscle to knot up and protest after elevating my arm. I only have enough endurance for about two hours. After that, I have to take a break, stretch, roll my neck, and maybe then I can come back.

The paintings you see posted here have taken my entire adult life to paint. They feature the beautiful scenery that I remember from my childhood in New York State, and all the varied landscapes, mountains, beaches and ever changing skies of Texas. Each picture represents something in my life. The painstaking (literally) hours, weeks, months, and sometimes years I have put into creating each of these paintings is a testament to my own personal journey. I have nurtured and poured my heart and soul into each and every one of them, and I hope that it shows.

I am not professionally trained and I don’t get everything perfect. I have “happy little mistakes,” as Bob Ross used to say, but it helps my heart be happy. I hope there is something here that will make yours happy too.


A Balancing Act


My Story