Finishing Touches

As the dawn approaches and shades of the night sky are dispelled, I affirm to myself, “This is going to be a great day!” to balance out my trepidation and nervousness towards everything that is happening. Our busy itinerary starts off with a 9:00 am interview with anchor Kathleen Ninke and film crew from KBTX News, and then at 1:00 . . . it is move-in day for my first solo art exhibit at the Arts Council of Brazos Valley!

I have spent months preparing for this moment. Since our “lock down” in March, I have finished my large winter piece, “There Came An Early Snow” that I had been working on for over a year, my night clouds “Visions of Night”, and the tropical beach painting, “Wish You Were Here”.

I have wrapped - or continued the painting around to the sides of the canvas on about ten paintings, done some touch up work on seven or eight more, and put a varnish finish on them all.

My daughter, Valarie, has experience curating art work exhibitions, so after doing what I

photo: Valarie O’Shea

photo: Valarie O’Shea

could to make sure everything is gallery-ready, I am passing the baton into her capable hands. She and her husband Stephen spent yesterday evening cutting and mounting wire for hanging to the back of each painting and wrapping each in some protective bubble wrap for transport.

Once we get the paintings loaded up, drive to the gallery, unloaded and then on the wall, we can stand back and take a collective sigh of relief.

My sincerest gratitude to Valarie and Stephen for making this all possible. To Valarie for all the errands she has run, the didactics and lovely banner she created, helping set up the website and her constant help, hard work and encouragement at every level. To Stephen for creating the idea for a documentary, reaching out to the Arts Council and KBTX, driving to Houston to get paintings scanned, all the photography, the website and his constant encouragement. I am probably forgetting things, but all those too!


Virtual Gallery Opening Today


Dew Drops in the Morning