Beauty in the Storm

Last spring I was contacted by Kelli Phillips who, along with her husband Bob Phillips, host the long-running and well-loved TV show “Texas Country Reporter”. They travel all over the state seeking out and bringing to light Texas residents who are unique artisans or who have remarkable, but maybe unpublicized talents to share with the community and they were interested in visiting with me. To say the least, I was just floored!

Along with their filming crew we spent most of the day exploring different angles, not only in filming, but in different facets of the personal journey I have been on and what motivates me to paint. Kelli and Bob are both such wholesome people who put you completely at ease and restore your belief in the genuine goodness of people. They are also skillful conversationalists and lead you into forming thoughts into words that you maybe never verbalized before.

Kelli pointed out that a number of my paintings portray storm clouds, several a bit darker and turbulent, but that they always depict a type of beauty . . . either in the refraction or reflection of light through the clouds, or in the peaceful serenity that remains after the storm has passed. It seems without realizing it I have used the paintings to express not only the inner struggle I have been through and continue to experience, but the spark of hope and inspiration I can keep a focus on and hopefully share with others.

Visiting with them was so much more than just getting footage for their TV episode. Every single day I am quietly dealing with questions and doubts about my place in this world. Bob, Kelli, and film crew were all gifted in cultivating a much needed affirmation of my value as human being, even as I deal with the physical limitations life has thrown my way. They are just truly tremendous people and I appreciate their time and consideration.

The segment they released is now available on Youtube:


Ebb and Flow


A Balancing Act