Upside Down

Hey everyone! I hope this finds you well and warm! Wow, it’s been a year since I have posted an update. My life has really felt ‘Upside Down” due to illness, caregiver struggles, increased work requirements, and reorganization of my household, all of which has unfortunately left no time and little motivation to paint.

Being disabled and paralyzed leaves you very dependent and vulnerable to the personal assistance that you need and receive from others. About a year ago, in March, my regular caregiver, who had been with me for three years, started having difficulties and could not return. I went with an agency, and was on the receiving end of whomever they would send. Some of them were extremely punctual, kind, and compassionate, others were not so kind and distant, but I was just grateful someone was there. The owner, however, was quick to anger and accused me of saying some things that were not true. I just had to decide that I needed to be treated with dignity and respect and decided to part ways after ten months.

In the interim, I went back with private pay caregivers, but there were numerous times that they just at the last minute said they could not come and I was left with no one. I just felt crumpled, depressed, stressed, and like I had been kicked to the curb. After about six weeks, we decided to go back with a new , so far… nicer care agency, even though it’s double the cost. I have to have dependable helpers…I have no choice. It is a struggle and it is so expensive being disabled!

Wind and Whitecaps - I had to turn canvas upside down to paint the clouds!

Then, my daughter and her husband bought a beautiful home, and the move out and transitioning of of my belongings, furniture, and rooms is still in process. We are going to repaint what was the ‘game room’ and repurpose it to my art room. Updates on that soon to come!

On a more lighter side, a couple of years ago, my son-in-law was working with a film crew to film a documentary on how I deal with my disability by oil painting. I received notification today that the editing is complete and that Recovery Diaries: will be posting the documentary next Thursday. It is entitled “Painting Clouds Upside Down”, in reference to the way I had to turn the 36” canvas to reach the clouds. (They also have a page on facebook).This picture is a bit dark, but it’s also in the video.

It is for sale:

Anyway, stay tuned for more exciting news!


Stay Warm!